Airtel has already kicked off its 3G services on Karnataka , with the rest of the 3G circles in India being targeted within the next couple of months. At the launch event, it detailed the plans that will be available to the customers. A 3G plan for every need In slides that were acquired by Telecom Talk , Airtel has decided to offer plans that fit the heavy as well as light data users. The 3G data plans start from Rs. 9 for 10MB with 1 day validity and goall the way upto Rs. 750 for 2GB with 30 days validity. Apart from these, Airtel also has a flexi-shield plan where users pay Rs. 650 a month, where they are given 1.25GB of free data usage. After the free usage is over, all the 3G data willbe charged at Rs. 10p/ MB upto 14GB andafter that the speed gets capped to 128kpbs. Unfortunately, Airtel has not announced an unlimited data plan and that is kind of disheartening. Below is the list of time- based plans for Airtel 3G Rs. 9 for 10 MB, validity 1 day Rs. 45 for 40 MB Validity 3 days Rs. 60 for 65 MB, validity 3 days Rs. 103 for 100 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 200 for 250 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 450 for 600 MB, validity 30 days Rs. 750 for 2 GB, validity 30 days. Users can also subscribe to a ¡®pay as you go¡¯ plan, where the user will be charged at 30p per 20kb. Those who want to activate the 3G service on their Airtel Mobiles need to send an SMS with the message ¡®3G¡¯ to 121, after which a confirmation will be send to the subscriber. Any 2G services that were active during that time will be deactivated

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